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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cake Table

We picked up the cake table earlier this month. This is a HUGE thing for me, but if you don't know why, here is a refresher:

Back in the fall of 2009, Travis and I had been dating for maybe 9 months, we were talking about what would happen if we ever got married. This is the very moment when Travis introduced me to Steampunk and how it would be a cool theme for the wedding. He Googled it and showed me pictures, articles, etc... on the topic. I fell in love.

With Steampunk that is, I was already in love with Travis!

After this new-found love was formed, I sketched. I suddenly became my favorite fashion designer. I really haven't stopped "fashion designing" since, whether that be Steampunk outfits or something else.

In the midst of these dresses and tuxedos I was drawing up, I drew this:

This is the cake table design that I drew. It's crude and pretty terribly sketched, but it got the idea across.

I never thought it would really become a reality. I would toss the idea around in my head with all of the ways I could create it, the people I could talk to, where I would get materials, etc..., but I honestly had tossed it aside as an actual possibility.

Until I was proposed to, was getting married, and then told my mother about it.

In the beginning of the wedding process, we decided to meet with a potential wedding planner. While we decided not to use a wedding planner at all, she introduced us to a woodworker who was willing to make the table for a fraction of the price we thought it would be.

Thus, my dream had come true and the plan was in motion. Now, the table is finished and it's sitting in our garage. It has 5 platforms on it, 4 of them rotate in place and one is completely stationary. It also looks as if it is being run on a small steam engine. The wood frame is painted to look like an antique and is designed as a Queen Anne coffee table.

William (the table-maker) tested each platform's performance by placing 50lbs of weight on each and running it for 4 hours. The cakes are incredibly heavy.

Here is a little bit of a preview: *Drumroll please*

I probably shouldn't show you that, but since I love you so much - there it is!

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